
5 Ways to Upgrade Yourself Online While in Isolation

Shafiqah Hamdan

Shafiqah Hamdan


If you’re feeling like you could be putting your spare time stuck at home to better use, we’ve got you covered.

Check out these great ways online to improve yourself for free — from the comfort of your living room, clothing optional.

1.Tongues of the world

We are all united by the intention of learning another language and also united by our failure to thus far follow through. The time is now. Head on over to 

for the usual European and Asian suspects alongside more interesting choices — High Valyrian and Klingon for Khaleesi’s approval and the hardcore Trekkie respectively.


Now you can say “I can’t hear you” on your next conference call in multiple languages.

2. Becoming Buffet

If you’ve always wanted to learn how to invest, you can’t go wrong with Investopedia. Start with the absolute basics of the stock market, the differences between investing and trading and subscribe to the Term of the Day to get caught up in essential financial jargon. Stay up to date with the latest business news and even mess around on an online stock market simulator with virtual cash. How’s that for wax on, wax off?


Double the screens, double the returns. Maybe. We’re not the experts.

3. Code

You’ve always been fascinated by the idea of creating apps, websites or programs — but your knowledge of coding is limited to watching Jeff Goldblum writing a virus to defeat an alien race in Independence Day. Never fear, freeCodeCamp is here. With over 5,000 tutorials and some 2,000 hours of curriculum, freeCodeCamp offers coding certifications and even boasts that more than 40,000 graduates have gotten jobs at tech companies which include little-known organisations such as Apple, Google, Microsoft and Amazon.


Maybe one day you can save the world with your coding skills, just like Jeff.

4. Do You Even Lift

For those of you whose daily routine includes a studio visit for a spin class or a session at the gym, you’ll no doubt be missing the sweat life. Check out Make Your Body Work’s list of The 50 Best Free Online Workout Resources — which does exactly what it says on the tin. There’s something there for every fitness level and best of all, these routines require minimal to no equipment.


In isolation, there’s no one to tell you to do another rep.

5. It's Big Brain Time

Harvard University, the school from which Natalie Portman graduated and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out, is offering a range of online course absolutely free of charge. Covering a range of fields as diverse as the science and chemistry of haute cuisine to art and design featuring the pyramids of Giza, there are no fewer than 69 free courses to check out here.


This is your coursemate, Tim. Tim is the professor’s favourite.

Of course, you don’t have to be productive all the time just because you’re stuck at home. Make sure to squeeze some much-needed self-care — perhaps a yoga practice, a good book or rewatch a familiar old tv show.

As always, balance is key so do what’s best for you.